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Our Services

As your trusted hometown pharmacy, we want you to receive high-quality services that make medication purchase and management convenient. For this reason, we take the time to understand your needs and assist you accordingly. Our pharmacists are licensed individuals experienced in the industry and may answer all your questions about your medications and other options. Whether you visit us in person, talk to us online, or call us, you may rest assured you'll be offered services appropriate to your needs.

Here are the services we offer:

a woman and a man pharmacist smiling

Fill and Dispense Prescription Medications

We can help you make sure you receive your medications on time and with the right dosages. If you have availed of our services before, you may request automatic refills from us. Or, if you have not, you may visit our pharmacy or call and tell us about your medication details, including your doctor's prescription. We want medication intake and maintenance to be as convenient as possible for our patients. And thus, you have to option to pick up your medicines right at our pharmacy or have them delivered to your preferred destinations.

pharmacist managing prescription

Prescription Management

We want to help our patients ensure they get the most out of their medications. For this reason, we offer prescription management. In this service, we take into account the medications they are taking and check that the ingredients of their medicines do not cause adverse effects when taken together. We may also offer our patients advice on possible alternatives that are as effective but pose lesser risks. We may also help our patients (or even their caregivers, if there are any) keep track of their medications to ensure adherence to intake schedules and avoid over or underdosing.

pharmacist suggesting medical drug to buyer in pharmacy drugstore


It is only natural that you have questions about your medications. You need to get your answers from a licensed pharmacist who is an expert in drug-related information. At Weigants Pharmacy, we offer counseling services that are highly flexible to accommodate your needs. You may ask us over the phone and one of our pharmacists will gladly answer your questions, or you may visit our pharmacy and have a sit-down with one. By ensuring that you know every important detail about your medications, you can have a safe medication journey with no worries.

pharmacist and customer having a conversation

Advise Patients on Over-the-Counter Medicines

If a patient purchases over-the-counter medications and has further questions about dosages, intake practices, and schedules, our pharmacists are ready to help. Apart from making sure that patients get the medicines they need, they also want to ensure that they are taken correctly to avoid adverse health effects. And thus, they gladly entertain patients as they drop by our pharmacy and purchase their medicines or through the phone should they have follow-up inquiries.

pharmacist approving

Prescription Transfers

When individuals plan to transfer their medication order from their old/current pharmacy to ours, we want the process to be convenient for them. For this reason, we optimize our prescription transfer services by asking them to fill out a form. Once completed, we take care of the rest of the process. Once the transfer has been done and confirmed, patients may begin purchasing their medications from us.

If you are interested in availing of our prescription transfer service, please complete the information needed here.